Hello and welcome back

Lovely to see all these young fellows here who think they’re getting “old”!

Don’t let it come too early for you. Procrastinate! It’ll be OK.

Or there’s always denial.

Hi there, good to have you back :slight_smile:

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Was already old when I joined first time around will be 72 in a couple of months time. Music has progressively slowed down to an Ambient pace.


Hello, I’m late to returning to the party but good to be back as an occasional annoyance to those who know much more about everything :blush:


Welcome back to the fold :slight_smile:

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Hello everybody!

I am so excited to be back here… Some of you may remember me from the “Prince St Reels” era when they were aired on Deepfrequency.com oh my my my, the forum was bouncing…

I’m 40 yo now (even if I don’t look like it), my dear Lioncub is still around and kicking, now following on a daily basis our beloved Colleen ‘Cosmo’ Murphy, still playing records for fun and doing some nice things in the background (laughs) !

Can’t wait to share more things with you in the future. Until then, take care and say hello, you might end with some fluffy hugs from the Lioncub (laughs) !

With all of my love,


Welcome back. Grab a chair and join us.

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Great to see you back on the bill for Rotation next year @jolyon


Cheers Steve - it’s an honour to be asked!


So late to this - but nice to be back after all these years!


Hi all, just heard about the forum being back!
So happy to scroll through so many old names.

I remember announcing the birth of my son on DJH - and he’ll be 18 years old in May gulp.
(That actually doesn’t seem possible in my head)

I ran a blog called innersounds for a bit, worked in a couple of record shops but had little music knowledge to share on the old forum. I loved the banter, exchange of ideas and vibe.
Such a supportive environment, so many side hustles, projects, tracks, dj nights, labels, and friendships launched or cemented in that place.

Remember when it went really orange?
And the mp3 shop was launched?!

@jolyon I still have one of your decks, still works fine!


That must be well over 30 years old now!

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I am Seanskee. Born Arkansas. DJ in Chicago at the beginnings of House Music. Published a regional music tip sheet/mag called Street Mix 1996-1980, director of 100-member Audiotalent/Chicago Music Pool 1985-1990. There’s more. I’ve been places and done stuff. I still mix as often as possible. It’s on the website. Links = @seanskee @seanskee1 @seanskee61 @its.seanskee | Linktree


Hey Sean, welcome to the club :slight_smile:

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just joined this forum. Been trying to get even better at digital file management especially with this big library I have. Found lots of lovely discussion in this thread - Digital DJs: how do you organise music? - #87 by MrH

my name is Ramon - I dj and produce records as RamonPang in LA. I run a record label called Tabula Rasa Records (founded in 2020) that releases future garage, progressive electronic and IDM. Love djing all different types of stuff, looking to learn from the really experienced folk here. Links = https://linktr.ee/ramonpang


Whereabouts do you play? I was there last weekend. Oh, and welcome along!

Thank you. It’s been a minute. :wink:

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Just discovered this place is back up and running :pray:

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