Ecstatic Dance…..Anyone participating?

I also made that connection between the 3 bardos and the 5 rhythms in talking with them. I thought I translated the understanding okay and had all parts of the 5 rhythms present in my mix. But the gatekeeper for this event thought my mellow sections were too long, that I played songs too long, and that I didn’t mix enough; like too many songs back-to-back songs not enough long overlays. To me, these are all variables that you adjust in the moment depending on the response. Not variables planned for in advance.

He did like the diversity of the music I played. (But the greater the diversity in your selections generally discourages the art of “long mixes.”) I didn’t argue though, just thanked him for the opportunity and the new experience.

I also made the point that the Messianic figure in the DJ lineage I subscribe to didn’t mix at all, and so I consider that the purest expression of the art.

We just had quite contrasting philosophies.

Also, I assume there are varying interpretations of the 5 rhythms depending on context. This one just wasn’t quite for me.


Wonder how this will go down with the ecstatic dance fundamentalists.

Personally, I might make a small offering to Soul Jazz for this one. We’ll see.


I’m not against the idea of this conceptually, but I suspect if I were to go to one, my intolerance of mediocre/bad music might get the better of me. Plus it does sound like those sober raves that were a thing not so long back that city types used to go to on their way to working for some horrendous bank in the Square Mile.